In time for the upcoming school year, JUDA - Bricket Wood & Park Street is launching with a new and innovative program. The program is titled Bringing it Home: Making Judaism come alive through experiential and interactive learning.

Bringing it Home has been developed to ensure that the content is both developmentally appropriate and user-friendly. The curriculum is scaffolded to cater to each student within three age groups: 6 - 9, 9 - 12 & Bar/Bat Mitzvah age. Our curriculum has been designed to be taught through a diverse set of mediums, including drama, STEM, and stop-motion animation. The curriculum comprises six units, focusing on integrative lessons that are learned from each room of the home. Lessons will come alive as students learn empathy, respect and integrity amongst other life skills while exploring each room of their house.

Bringing it Home, is a place where children of the Bricket Wood, Park Street & surrounding communities can engage with and connect to their Jewish heritage. We are excited about Bringing it Home as we believe the kids will enjoy the well-rounded experience and find true and lasting value in the information they learn.

With warm and mature staff, each child is supported and cared for. The outcome: a nurtured Jewish identity, a healthy self - esteem, long - lasting friendships, and a sense of community.