Chabad Lubavitch Bricket Wood & Districts Purim In Bricket Wood


This year we joined forces with Lubavitch Radlett in their massive marquee, which was bursting with over 100 people! From a lively musical havdala and megilla reading to mouthwatering Israeli cuisine and side-splitting comedy with Bennet Arron, it was a night to remember.



On Sunday we had a Family Purim Party at Chabad Lubavitch Bricket Wood!

Over a 100 people joined. The food spread was great, with delicious pizza, chips, pitta hummus, Israeli salad, coleslaw, crisps, and falafel. And who could forget the sweet treats?



And most importantly, many volunteers packaged and delivered well over 100 Purim Gift Boxes (Mishloach Manos), setting up and cleaning for both parties, Thank You